Tag: 11street
11street 全新的“Shocking Deals”和增强版手机应用程式隆重...
随着电子商贸市场的火速发展,11street开发一个高效的手机商业策略,借由推出全新的“Shocking Deals”和优化手机应用程式,为消费者带来惊喜连连,提供一系列全马最低价的交易,誓必让消费者爽翻天!
11street 将与台湾最大跨境电商平台UITOX合作, 带进超过200家精选...
11street-UITOX 的合作将提供优质的台湾及海外各国精选跨境商品,以合理价格且全馆免运费让消费者拥有更多元的商品选择,同时享有优惠的价格!
Enjoy Chinese New Year Prosperity with 1...
The Chinese Lunar New Year is a time that everyone celebrating looks forward to, as it brings together family and friends to ring in good luck and fortune for the coming year.
Thoughtful Gifts for Him & Her
With the approaching holiday season, comes the exciting process of...
11street积极优化客户网购体验 首办“爱11”活动回馈客户
网络商贸市场11street日前宣布,流动应用程式和其标志性的“Shocking Deals”最新的策略计划,以及把每个月的11日列为“爱11”日,为购物者提供一系列的超值的优惠和惊喜。