
今日,Proton官宣Proton X50将于本月27日上午10点50分通过线上发布,有兴趣了解详情的朋友们在当天浏览Proton的官方FB即可参与线上发布会!


Proton X50配置了全LED前灯、18英寸合金车轮,真正达到时尚设计和与众不同的特征。

Proton官宣全新X50将于10月27日通过线上发布! Proton官宣全新X50将于10月27日通过线上发布! Proton官宣全新X50将于10月27日通过线上发布! Proton官宣全新X50将于10月27日通过线上发布!

时尚与别致的Proton X50共有Standard、Executive、Premium 和 Flagship这4个等级。


PROTON X50 – Stylish Design

Stylish, Trendy, and Chic – these elements give a powerful presence to the PROTON X50 leaving a lasting impression wherever you go. With style and precision evident in every aspect, the trend-setting SUV comes with a Dual Tone Exterior and Interior, Full LED Headlamps, and 18” Alloy Wheels; features that truly set apart its Stylish Design.Experience design driven by Intelligence to enhance your lifestyle. Follow the PROTON official Facebook page and tune in for the PROTON X50 Official Virtual Launch on 27 October, at 10:50 am: #HiPROTON #PROTONX50

Posted by Proton Cars on Wednesday, October 21, 2020


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