2014 has been an exceptional year for JJ Lin. Apart from bagging the coveted Best Mandarin Male Singer at Taiwan’s 25th Golden Melody Awards, he also completed a successful round of “JJ Lin Timeline World Tour” which saw him touring 25 cities across the four continents.
However, never one to rest on his laurels, JJ Lin plunged straight into the preparation of his follow up tour “JJ Lin Timeline: Genesis World Tour”, kicking off the show in Taipei on Valentine’s Day this year, selling out two nights within 90 minutes of going on sale!
Come 5th September, JJ Lin will bring the tour to his most familiar playground at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. “JJ Lin Timeline: Genesis World Tour” promises to be yet another 360 all rounded experience, with elaborate staging and effects, and an utterly exhaustive set list of JJ Lin’s most well-loved hits. A stellar performance not to be missed!
林俊杰 时线:新地球世界巡回演唱会
荣获第 25 届台湾金曲奖的「金曲歌王」 林俊杰经历了 500 多天在全球横跨四大洲、25 个城市、突破 30 万人次的“时线演唱会”后,带来了全新安可巡演 “时线:新地球世界巡回演唱会”。这场耗资将近 260 万新币制作的演出在今年情人节开跑,一连两晚攻破台北小巨蛋, 开卖 90 分钟后即宣布完售!
音乐创作才华和首首脍炙人口的歌曲一直是JJ 林俊杰的强项。演唱会中他将把出道 11 年的经典歌曲如 「记得」、「爱笑的眼睛」、「LOVE U U」重新编曲,呈献无插电版的「豆浆油条」、「小酒窝」,快歌组曲「We Together」、「不潮不用花钱」、「就是我」。外加新专辑中好评如潮的「可惜没如果」、「新地球」,之前的「学不会」、「黑暗骑士」、「修炼爱情」 等,势必让你听得直呼过瘾。